This article was originally published in the August 2019 issue of RSES Journal.
It’s summer time, which means heat, humidity and more heat. While your customers probably aren’t thinking about their furnaces right now, as a heating professional you know that winter will be here before you know it and you will be performing lots of residential heating startup PMs in the next two months. Following these maintenance guidelines will ensure your customers experience perfect air year-round. We recommend that a furnace be serviced once a year, particularly before it is turned on for the fall.
The importance of servicing a furnace regularly—and doing it properly—goes beyond creating perfect air. It’s a matter of safety. As a technician, it’s your responsibility to make sure your customer’s furnace is safe by servicing it correctly and thoroughly. It’s an important task, which is why specific, step-by-step instructions on proper heating startups and furnace servicing are so important. This article will detail what to look for during a visual inspection of the furnace; what to look for once the furnace is turned on; how to check the pressure switch; and how to check a flame sensor.
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